

Google LLC is an American multinational corporation and technology company focusing on online advertising, search engine technology, cloud computing, ...

Glossary of video game terms

The video game industry, the players, and surrounding culture have spawned a wide range of technical and slang terms.                                              

ImageJ Wiki

ImageJ is open source software for processing and analyzing scientific images. This wiki is a community knowledge base for ImageJ and friends. Downloads · ImageJ · User Guides · Fiji

Professions | Pixel People Wiki

As of version 1.4.15, there are 450 professions that can be assigned to work, divided into 20 unique categories, plus 23 special genes that can only be used in ...

Pixel People Wiki

Pixel People is a free-to-play futuristic city building game developed by LambdaMu and published by Chillingo for the iOS. The game was released on January ... Professions · Animals · Tree · Missions

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Profession Formulas - Pixel People Guide

Below is a guide on how to unlock every profession in Pixel People. All Pixel People profession formulas & recipes, their workplaces, and more.

Pixel People Guide

Welcome to the Pixel People Wiki ... With the help of your trusty assistant you welcome new clones to your city at the arrival centre, then it's ...


r/PixelPeople: Where Mayors unite and exchange tips on creating the greatest utopia!                                                                                                                

Pixel People

r/PixelPeople: Learn how to play Pixel People with this beginner's guide! Discover tips, FAQs, and community resources to enhance your ...


GoogleLLCisanAmericanmultinationalcorporationandtechnologycompanyfocusingononlineadvertising,searchenginetechnology,cloudcomputing, ...,Thevideogameindustry,theplayers,andsurroundingculturehavespawnedawiderangeoftechnicalandslangterms.                       ,ImageJisopensourcesoftwareforprocessingandanalyzingscientificimages.ThiswikiisacommunityknowledgebaseforImageJandfriends.Downloads·ImageJ...

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